Sunday, November 15

it's winter!

we have our first snow! folks around here are either tickled and jolly about, or grinchy mcgrinches. surprisingly, i'm one of the tickled ones. i've always believed if it's going to be cold, we might as well have snow. cullan and i hauled all our snowboarding gear down from the attic yesterday. in this season of being thankful, i am very very thankful i still fit in my snowboarding pants. for now.
my boot camp son got a 10 minute phone call a few days ago. he says he has never been so hot in his life. they get 4 minutes to eat their meals. he and his wing man are the best bedmakers in their flight. and the whole flight has to do push ups if someone leaves the toilet seats down. for pete's sake, does the air force have any idea how much time mother's spend ranting at their boys for leaving them UP???
i'm still working on bella mittens #2, forcing myself to knit loose.... i'm using a nice fat Noro yarn and the colors are too wonderful.

and i just finished my annual volunteer project, a raffle quilt for the Kodiak Kingfishers Swim Team. the team has been a big part of our family since devon started swimming in the 3rd grade, and even though i don't have a swimmer right now, i feel it's important to support such a great organization for our kids. i hope it goes to a nice home, and makes some travel money for the team too.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, if it's got to be cold, at least let it snow! It must be so beautiful there. Here in NYC it quickly gets all yucky and dirty. Still, it's so nice when it sticks to the tree branches and truly looks like fairyland. It's nice that you got to hear from your son. And WHAT! How COULD they go undermining all that training that, not just moms, but women in general have to put men through in getting them to put the damn seat DOWN! What a wonderful quilt. I think it's great that you're continuing to support the next generation of swimmers in the team.

    About what you said...drinking coffee for migraines - Yes! That totally helps me, too. I do a cup or two of espresso, nice and strong.

    So, are you ready to do some Etsy? Do it! Do it! Do it! I had started a shop last year and, after making only 2 or 3 sales in like 6 months, I took everything down. But I've been working on trying it again and I've got a bunch of things I'm preparing to put up there. It's so worth another shot!


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