Tuesday, November 24

boy, am i ever thankful...

that i finished these babies. even more, i am thankful that they are the RIGHT SIZE!!!!! yes, they fit, and they are finished! and what about this yarn folks??? if it was food, i know it would rock the calorie scales. i think i gained weight just knitting with it. it is a noro yarn, i have always wanted to try a noro yarn, but felt i needed to reach a certain level of, i don't know, knittingness i guess. the knitting god was with me, because it all sure came together in these mittens.

even chuck loves these mittens. look at him rubbing his hands together, the little stinker
have a wonderful, happy thanksgiving everyone!


  1. Oooo Deb those mittens are yummy and gorgeous looking! How fun they must have been to spend time knitting on! Chuck rubbing his hands makes me giggle!
    Happy Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  2. Those mittens are LOVELY and the colors are absolutely DELIGHTFUL! So, you saw New Moon! I had the same thought as you did...unless one is a Twilight Junkie, there was quite a bit of stuff that they'd never understand, with the way they didn't give any background info in this 2nd movie. Hence why I was trying to explain what was going on to my friend (who didn't care to hear it at all. LOL). Did you read the books? I forgot if you said you did or not. The books did a great job of catching you up with what went before so you could understand the current situation. When I read New Moon I was pissed over Bella's behavior toward Jacob. But way later I actually started feeling for her and him, too. But, of course, I was wanting her and Edward to hurry up and get back together again. So funny! What you said about the sockless Roman vampire! I didn't notice that either. That's a European thing, though. And, hey, my dad was Roman. LOL! Jane, the little girl vampire, was the little girl in that movie I Am Sam, with Sean Penn. Remember that movie? She grew up! Anyway, now I can't wait until Eclipse comes out.

  3. hi there

    thanks for your comment ..I just love that Blogger introduces us to fellow bloggers all over the world !

  4. Hello Deb..... I received my swap gift..YOU ARE SO CLEAVER.!!! I enjoyed opening every little wrapped gift. How cute of you to send the flattened pennies.. We enjoy getting those when we go on trips.. . I think you really out did me... I love my card.. I will keep it as a Christmas decoration for years to come..
    Thank.. you... I will be posting on my blog when I recover a little more from my surgery..
    your friend,
    Deb oh and I love the mittens..

  5. Your colors are fun and and I had to laugh about the 'fitting'. I don't knit...my fingers don't mind me! (ask Beverly)...but my aunt would knit the cutest slippers for me and my sister at Christmas. I don't ever remember them fitting. :)

  6. Gorgeous gloves!
    I have been knitting (and felting) flowers with Noro Kureyon.....wonderful stuff it is!!!
    Linda :-)
    PS Thank you for your lovely comment re:ABAA, you are absolutely right about making lots of blog friends. x

  7. These are gorgeous and they look just perfect for these really cold days!

  8. Hey, deb!
    First, I absolutely LOVE these mittens. The colors are amazing and I love the way they go up your arms. They're beautiful!!

    And I haven't heard from you since I last emailed you and am concerned that you're not happy with me:(
    I look forward to hearing from you when you get a minute!

    warmly, jan


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