Thursday, November 5

oh rats.

i really want to be able to knit. i have been trying hard the past year or so. i've bought a lot of books that assure me i can do it. i've collected some beautiful needles in many sizes. and lord knows purchasing yarn is not what is holding me back, i have lots. thick soft fat stuff, slinky slidey lacy stuff, boy can i buy yarn. i've managed a few hats, some scarves, one pair of socks that look like they were purchased at a store in Who-ville. when i get to a place in a pattern i don't understand, i just make something up. so far, it has worked okay for me. now, my mom can knit like a goddess. i swear she could knit wings for the angels. i didn't get the knitting gene from her. and when she tried to impart her knowledge to me, it's like a door slams in my face. i just can't follow her. so, i signed up for a mitten class. chris told me i just had to be able to cast on, knit & purl. i can do those 3 things. they were cabled mittens, and she was going to show us how to knit two at a time on circular needles. perfect. it was a fun group of ladies, kindof varied in skill levels, and everyone has been helping each other along. i've learned that i can't knit and talk at the same time. even listening to other people talk while i knit can lead to heinous errors. but, i've managed to keep up class by class, with some interesting detours from the pattern, which wonderful chris helps me remedy as needed. finally, tuesday night, i finished the thumbs, wove in the ends, and there they were, finished & in my eye, beautiful. only one problem.

they are too small.


  1. These are lovely and you did a fantastic job. I've been knitting since my mother put needles in my hands at the age of 7. Now 48 years later I'm still knitting. It is one of my passions. Now, don't you worry your pretty little talented hands too much, those mitts are not too small, they are just right for another's hands and what a gift of love you will pass on. Sea Witch

  2. oh my! all that work and they do look wonderful...they'll fit some lucky someone :)
    I am a crocheter, knitting did not seem to be my certainly is lovely to look at and I adore all of the felted projects done with knitting. Your confidence must be good now that you know you CAN knit mittens and such pretty ones too!

  3. Hi Deb! Just popping in to say hello - sorry I haven't been around for a while. What a busy fall I've had! Your blog is so beautiful - love that blue bird on top and all your creative pictures!

  4. so... i think that the knitting gods might have been telling you to give them to me...

  5. The Knitting is really something I have not mastered and my mom is the best knitter I know. I am sure you will get better with time!

  6. Deb, your post made me laugh! i am a newer knitter too and can totally relate! i can't talk and knit without messing up either. your mittens are BEAUTIFUL! gorgeous, colorful works of art and they look SO soft! (i've been knitting a sweater for my daughter for a year now, and am so worried that it won't fit when i'm finished! i'm sure it happens to everyone!) keep knitting! Linda

  7. How sad that they are too small.. I bet you're a tight knitter like I am. I usually have to go up a needle size to make gauge. Also, I've found knitting in magic loop helps me as I can try on the mittens as I knit them to be sure they'll fit before I get too far. These are truly gorgeous mittens though - you did a fantastic job!


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