Tuesday, August 2

texture tuesday ~ dreaming

a foggy 7 a.m. cup of coffee out on the front yard at the bay.
complete with bug net and small white dog.
every day should start like this, i think.
surrounded by silence:
just the high tide water rippling on the beach
the muffled gulls drifting by.
was gerry dreaming? 
nope. just waiting for a SAT phone signal...
so much for my henry d. thoreau moment.

i used kim klassen's "dream" texture on this photo taken a few days ago at ugak bay.
click here to visit all the other texture tuesday folks!


  1. Yes, I agree, everyday should start with the soft gentle sound of the water on the beach and birds. I am beginning to enjoy the silence of the morning more and more.

  2. I love it! Whatever the reality of that moment, you set the mood beautifully in your words and your image. So, you're from Brimfield! I've lived in CT for 20 years now and have been meaning to go to the antiques fair there every year but never have. Small world, huh?

  3. That's absolutely gorgeous! I do agree, every day should start like this. Or something like this. For now, all I can manage is to make breakfast in a hurry with a grumpy toddler in my arms before rushing through the early morning. One day.... Here's to dreaming. :)

  4. Deb! How did I almost miss this? It's brilliant.
    That's just what my Lu likes to do, sit on my lap that way, but 50+lbs of bulldog does not a lap dog make.
    A fine Thoreau moment, nonetheless.
    PS hope this comment makes it in. I've tried before but they seem to disappear into the void...

  5. A sweet moment. Love the texture on this image.

  6. ha ha i love that so isolated looking yet phone in hand ha ha i love the texturing

  7. Another stunning piece Deb - and love how the story adds a different note to the image - looks a fabulous place to sit and wait for signal

  8. A dreamy moment and a dreamy image... gorgeous! I can almost hear the waves whispering in the fog!

  9. Looks like a beautiful painting. Nice job!

  10. Looks like the perfect spot for dreaming. Got to have your best friend on your lap too. Really nice interpretation of the theme.

  11. Beach and birds are the ideal mornings! Thanks for dropping by and now I'm a new follower!

  12. This is so well done - I love everything about it!

  13. I agree ~ this is a fabulous way to start the day! A lovely image !!

  14. a little piece of heaven in the early morning silence.. lovely lovely capture


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