Wednesday, August 3

stitching on the dock of the bay

well, our weekend at the cabin turned into two weeks at the cabin. there was a lot to be done.
i managed to sneak a few sunny moments on my dear dock with my new obsession, embroidery.
i brought a leftover piece of my favorite avocado-dyed cotton, and went to work with my new book "doodle stitching" by aimee ray. what a great book, full of fun inspiring things to stitch.
 i think with time i may get it. i will need more time than i got from my husband.
you know the saying - it takes a lot of work to live on a farm.
we don't live on a farm, and i'm glad for it.

after i snapped these photos i heard the whip crack,
that was the end of the fun for me.

some of us got to ride cute orange tractors and dig in the dirt.
some of us got to lay in the sun and watch...

or take a little dip in the bay...

 i got a paintbrush and a ladder,
and got to practice my multimedia art techniques.

we didn't do too bad for two old people by ourselves.
i even figured out how to use the timer thing on my camera.
this shot was taken right before gerry told me my next job was
climbing under the cabin to dig out all  the nasty land otter nests and stuff.
you can tell he was thinking about how he was going to tell me
by the look on his face - just look at him up there, mr. i ride the tractor.

we had the most glorious weather, and when it got warm enough the no-see-ums went away and we could take off the bug nets and put on shorts. shorts! amazing. i have a tan line!
every once in a while the clouds would roll over the mountains...
that really helped keep us motivated.
before we knew it, we had replaced the foundation,
put up new skirting,
and for a moment, i had my white seaside cottage~

well, a gal can dream, right?

i had my 50th birthday during this work week,
and i am here to tell you
my husband put me on a pedestal for the entire day:

not a happy warm fuzzy feeling for me.
at least i talked him into giving me a 2x6
instead of the 2x4 he originally had up there for me.

but, we finished! next trip we paint the trim and start building the new deck.

(see the blurs in the photo? no-see-ums. they'll bite anything)

in the end, the two of us loaded over 6,000 lbs. of lumber plus the compressor and all the tools & paint in and out of the boat twice, onto the 4 wheeler trailer and up to the cabin from the beach.

my pal duffy did a lot of this:

we should have got a st. bernard.


  1. Your birthday pedestal made me laugh. You certainly got a lot done - it looks great.

    Intrigued by the embroidery - will watch progress with interest

  2. What a great photo essay. I really love those dramatic clouds, and -- like Helena -- had to laugh at your pedestal!! Your husband sounds like my Dad... a real worker bee. (Mine, on the other hand, is not!)

  3. Loved this post Debsea, I was laughing quite a bit especially over the picture of you up on that "scaffold" of sorts! Been there and done that, hoping to never go there again!
    The place looks gorgeous and oh so cozy though and you must be very happy and proud to have accomplished it all!
    Have a great finish to the week and howdy to the hubby! Hugs to Duffy!...:)
    Tina xo

  4. First, let me catch my breath from laughing so hard - up on a pedestal! HAHAHAHA!! Oh my God, that's no way to spend a birthday. Let alone a milestone one! Well I wish you a very happy belated birthday and may your year be filled with bundles of wonderful blessings!! What a whole LOT OF WORK you two did! Just the two of you! I am impressed (I'm doing the "I'm not worthy" bowing thing right now). Now what exactly are no-see-ums? They look like ghosts - yikes! I'm glad you got to get a wee bit of something relaxing in there and I hope your upcoming getaway will have more opportunities for you-time! And, YAY!! You got your journal! What theme did you pick? Did you already tell me? Okeedokee, if I don't hear from you before you go, I wish you all the best and I will miss you until I "see" you again in October! (((HUGS)))

  5. Dang, sure know how to bring on the big five-oh!!!!! Cleaning land otter nests is something I might have to try. not. I think I'd rather paint on a 2x6.
    Happy Belated Birthday, Deb!!!!

  6. Hi Deb, and Happy Belated 50th Birthday and welcome to the club!! So many think that being 50 is awful, I myself love being 50+. I really believe in that old saying, "the best is yet to come". As for the cabin, who, amazing what the two of you were able to accomplish. My muscles would have been complaining after the first day! Your hubby reminds me of my father, he loved to work and he got anyone within 100 yds. of him to help out! :-) I loved how you told your story to coinside with the photos - what a hoot!! It is gloomy and gray outside today but you had me smiling and feeling sunny! I love the embroidery that you are doing, and LOVE that you have that book! I just found it on Amazon and marked it as a favorite for a future purchase, cuz I thought it looked like a lot of fun. I just felt like I wanted to try my hand at embroidery again, something I used to do many years ago (but not for long enough that I was any good at it!!). Now I think I will just go ahead and buy that book! Enjoy!! And Deb, thanks so much for your recent visit to my blog and the lovely compliments on my garters. You made my day!! ~Debby

  7. Yay for stitching in fun places!

  8. what an amazing place to be! You sure got a lot done with just the two of you! gorgeous photos also. I spyed your DMC floss organizer...still have mine from when I was a cross stitch nut. At one time my goal was to own every single color of DMC floss! ;)

  9. Simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

  10. Hi Debsea, Thanks so much for letting me know that you received one of my post cards from Massachusetts! It has been fun checking the mail and looking forward to them. I really enjoed reading your blog and looking at your photo's. You made me chuckle several times. Your cabin looks heavenly.

  11. Love it, especially how your hubby keeps you on a pedestal !! LOL Husbands around the world are all alike....

  12. Ok it's October and you have been on my mind more than ever..."she's coming back soon...isn't she" I said to myself this morning....
    What a delight to actually get to 'see' you AND how in the world have I missed it all this time...Guess I got confused on when you were leaving oh my!

    You on a pedestal for your make me smile...Happy Happy Days to you Dear One
    Love your posts so much!
    p.s. you two make a really cute couple!

  13. Love your tales :) Have to wish you a belated Happy 50th!! I'm sure you'll remember it for a long time to come!!


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