Saturday, March 28

woolie winter pixies on spring break

Wow, blizzards, winds, and volanoes erupting - are we versitile or what. I can see snowflakes out my bedroom window, then walk out to the kitchen and see rain falling. we really must have angered the weather gods somehow.

however, it's been great creating weather, which is good since there is only a couple days left til the deadline to turn in entries for the Whale Fest art show. true to form, i have one piece done and two to go. i really had fun with the winter woolie pixies. i picked them up on the beach last spring, and now that i know what to do with them, you can bet as soon as the ice cracks i'll be out there again! it was too fun mixing the textures of the needle felting, rusty lures and hand quilting. i'm ready to crank out a couple more, then on to that halibut tail.

1 comment:

  1. Love your pixies!
    Yes, greasy engines are in our future. My boys spent the morning making art journals and are now outside with their bikes and completely splattered with mud.


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