Monday, March 30

whale fest entries done

i decided last minute to do a couple of mermaid boxes for whale fest instead of more fabric. i finished the last one last night, and i don't want to part with either of them. i love making these little ladies and their worlds. and they all start with a name on a paint chip. (i've been banned from the paint isle at our hardware store)

now, to get started on the tail.


  1. Oh how watery - love your colors! And the 'fish ride'!

  2. Wow, they are beautiful! Please consider sending us the photos to put on our website Gallery of Mermaid Art.

  3. Thanks for commenting on a couple of our stories. Jennifer's baby doggie is so sweet and the whole family is in love! Even the daddy who didn't want a dog! I love, love your Mermaids. I am excited about visiting your blog again.

    Mermaid Debbie

  4. Love your fabric art and these are great. I tried dyeing silk once. It was fun, but never did do anything else with it. I love the colors and how they blend, a lot like watercolor.

  5. These are lovely!
    Glad I stopped by to view your delightful work!

  6. Oh my goodness, WOW these are just stunning! I love it, such wonderful detail. Thanks for sharing. ~Cassandra


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