Wednesday, July 11

moving on~

after returning from a spur-of-the-moment long weekend at our cabin, i finally feel like i can breath again. it was great to be "home" on the bay, disconnected electronically and technically, surrounded by the beautiful quiet. we put in a new hot water heater (YAY) and got the second set of solar panels up. and de-spidered. it was a good break.

now i feel ready to get the lead out and start making things. i've found some great help for mom, so have some time to myself again, and that is a wonderful thing. right up there with not having to carry a diaper bag anymore.

i'm participating in kat sloma's Liberate Your Art Postcart Swap again this year, and just finished my card. it's off to Moo to be printed. last year my postcards all came to me while i was living in a tent at the outcamp, and i treasured each one. can't wait to see who comes to kodiak this year.

my inspiration for this year's card came from my tea bag. even the tea gods are out there seeing to the good of the world and all of us in it ...

if you are interested in joining the swap, there's still time - you can sign up until july 17. click on the link, there are over 200 participants from all over the world! it's a huge undertaking, and kat is wonderful to do this for us.

until next time, duff & i give you our love~

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hello Dear Deb ~ wonderful to see you have some time for yourself again and are creating too!
    (altho there are so many ways that we are creative in our daily lives...but you know what I mean)

    Your card and tea tag inspiration are just perfect...perfectly lovely!


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