Tuesday, July 31


this is the second year of kat sloma's "Liberate Your Art" post card swap. this year there are over 200 folks participating from all over the world. (if you click on the button above it will bring you to the participant page so you can visit them all!)

i love seeing stuff in the mailbox when i open it. i also needed a prompt to get me in the creating mode again, so this swap came at the perfect time. i just liberated my post cards friday.

kat deserves a standing ovation for coordinating this huge project all on her own. can you imagine sorting, labeling, stamping and mailing over 1,000 postcards??? yikes. at least she gets to see them all. i look forward to the next few weeks, as five of the little beauties find there way to my mailbox.

Friday, July 27

august break 2012 with susannah conway~

i'm just back from a quick overnight trip to our cabin. we went for fun (a rare treat) and to try out the new outboard on the little skiff. lucky for me, the water was flat calm all the way to the bay. look at it up there - can you believe it?!

it was a wonderful, slow trip, which gave me a chance to take some photos - usually not an option on the need-for-speed blackcat... i'll post them as soon as i get them off my phone.

i blame my new phone for my severe "blogger's block" as i have become a slave to Instagram. what a wonderful world that is! i feel like i'm traveling the globe every time i take a peek. i like that it is what it says "instant."

to try to get back to my blog, and my art in general, i have decided to joined up with Susannah Conway's August Break 2012. i invite you to click on the link and sign up too. here's a snippet of how susannah describes august break (copied from her blog post):

How it works: you simply share one photo (or more!) each day on your blog – Monday to Friday, or every day. Or whenever you feel moved to share. Using any camera – DSLR, compact, Polaroid, Holga, iPhone (my choice), Instax, film or digital – with or without words – anything goes! – for the whole of August. No pressure – just looking at August through your camera lens as a way to be more present this summer. And to have a little break from the pressures and expectations of regular blogging.

There are NO RULES, people! Just sunshine (hopefully) + a bit of fun. And lots of lovely photos to look at and new blogs to discover.

see, easy-peasy. at a great time of the year. even if you aren't interested in joining, i really urge you to go meet susannah on her blog. i have been following her for over a year, she is a wonderful artist of photography & words all wrapped up in a beautiful soul. and she shares it all with us. i recently finished her new book "This I Know"

everyone needs to read this beautiful book. i'm not going to try to describe it. just find a copy and read it. it will make you cry, and smile, and laugh. it will make you feel like all those feelings (and all the rest of them you have inside you) are valid. there, off my soapbox.

duff & i are ready for our august break~


Wednesday, July 11

moving on~

after returning from a spur-of-the-moment long weekend at our cabin, i finally feel like i can breath again. it was great to be "home" on the bay, disconnected electronically and technically, surrounded by the beautiful quiet. we put in a new hot water heater (YAY) and got the second set of solar panels up. and de-spidered. it was a good break.

now i feel ready to get the lead out and start making things. i've found some great help for mom, so have some time to myself again, and that is a wonderful thing. right up there with not having to carry a diaper bag anymore.

i'm participating in kat sloma's Liberate Your Art Postcart Swap again this year, and just finished my card. it's off to Moo to be printed. last year my postcards all came to me while i was living in a tent at the outcamp, and i treasured each one. can't wait to see who comes to kodiak this year.

my inspiration for this year's card came from my tea bag. even the tea gods are out there seeing to the good of the world and all of us in it ...

if you are interested in joining the swap, there's still time - you can sign up until july 17. click on the link, there are over 200 participants from all over the world! it's a huge undertaking, and kat is wonderful to do this for us.

until next time, duff & i give you our love~