Saturday, August 13

fair winds~

this was one beautiful evening on the bay. as we looked up from our hammering and painting, we were gifted with this stunning sight. i like to think it was our much loved and very missed friend erling smiling down on us.

this will be my last post until i return in late october. i'm headed out to alpenview to cook for the visiting fishermen & ladies. in mid-september i'll be relocating to the outcamp on the ayakulik river, to get reaquainted with my friends the bears, the cook tent, and the outhouse. alpenview has a great website here, go take a look at all the beauty!

while many folks will be enjoying the warm harvest days of october, i will be here

chipping the ice out of my contact lens case and watching my pal sweetpea fish in the home pool:

i really wouldn't want to be anywhere else!

i hope you all have a wonderful late summer, and i look forward to catching up in october.


  1. I just found you, and now I have to miss you for 2 whole months :(
    I hope you have a wonderful time, and I'll catch up with you in October!

  2. have a fabulous time - just checked out the website and it looks stunning, and the food so delicious

  3. Hi! just getting caught up to everyone in more then a week, just too much hectic and not enough hours in my days to keep up with it all. Or I am getting slow in life! And now I have missed you!
    :-( I hope you are having fun, and I look forward to seeing your posts again come fall. I know that you will have lots to share with us.
    thinking of you, Debby

  4. What an AMAZING sight!!! Just Breathtaking! Have a wonderful time and be safe! See you back here in october. Can't wait to hear all about it! XOXO Serena

  5. me last comment to catch up with you...hope you had some time for stitching...I find that very relaxing too

    what fantastic vistas you have around you...such wonder...thank you for sharing Deb!

    Miss ya!

  6. Checking in and wishing you a Happy New Year! I hope 2012 brings many blessings your way!

  7. Hi Deb... checking in to say that this mermaid misses you and hope you and your loved ones are well! Waving my tail to you from the stormy, cold and grey side of the ocean.

  8. Where oh where are you Debsea? I just found my way over here from the sweet comment you left on my blog and I've been enjoying having a look around. What a fun place you have over here, I sure hope there's a new post in your near future! ~Lili


hi~ thanks for visiting! i love hearing from you, and appreciate your comments!