Friday, June 10


i'm starting to gear up for my summer life as a cook at AlpenView, the remote sport fishing lodge i work at. i can't wait to get out of dodge, so to speak. i love the long days, the hard work, the great company from around the world, and the peace & quiet. i love cooking for folks who really appreciate it (hear that family?)
most of the time the poor fellows and gals are so tired from a day of catching "the big ones" i think i could put peanut butter and jelly in front of them and they would be happy. but that makes it even more fun to do nice things for them. like, i'm thinking, whoopie pies.
who can think about whoopie pies and not smile? not to mention saying it - yep, there's a smile. so i made a batch today. i needed to see how many i could get out of a recipe. and i needed a smile. it worked.

are you smiling?

i'm thinking i will need to triple the recipe. and i'm wondering about a peanut butter filling.... can't go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter.

see that face on the left? just ignore him. he is in blistering trouble right now.don't let that look fool you. he's just a small white dog living in shame. but that's a story for another day.


  1. Oh I love Whoopie Pies and that dog looks like he is headed for gourmet heaven!
    I love the painted chairs also, did you do them?
    I do so wish someday that I could travel to that lodge for the summer, you are so lucky to have such an adventure waiting for you each year!
    Have a great weekend...
    Tina xo

  2. I'm smiling, Deb. And craving a whoopie pie now!

    The poor doggie, he looks like he's waiting for you to tell him you forgive him.

  3. yep, he's trouble alright, that's a " who me?" expression if I've ever seen one, and I've seen a few. and those chairs remind me of some I painted a few years ago! are we living parallel lives?

  4. this shot looks straight out of a magazine Deb!
    really super!
    AND I am very impressed that you MADE homemade Whoopie Pies!!!
    Such a treat to see your cute pooch and your magical painted chair!


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