Tuesday, May 24

texture tuesday~ alpenglow

i set the background image to soft light blend. made small adjustments to levels and contrast. added a layer of kim's pumpkin grundge on screen blend at 53%, a layer of kim's warmsun on soft light at 60%, and finished with a layer of kim's yesteryear on multiply at 72%.

this photo was taken late last september at our home on ugak bay. it was 7:30 am, a rare day with not a cloud in the sky. it was so silent, there wasn't even a breeze, the bay was like a mirror. mist was rolling out from the falls, and when the sun popped up, the mountains were bathed in alpenglow. it was breathtaking. just as quickly it was gone and i continued with the breadmaking... here's the before: 

take some time to visit all the other beautiful work here!


  1. Stunning! The stillness and majestic beauty takes my breath away. One day I'll make it to Alaska.

  2. wow that the hills look like that and more wow for your texture work

  3. Your Alaskan alpenglow gives me wanderlust!
    Very Very Beautiful Mz Deb!

  4. oh, deb-this is stunning. and the description of the morning makes me want to weep it sounds so beautiful. wonderful!

  5. Breathtaking image. So wel composed with the foreground.

  6. What an incredible view you have.. simply gorgeous!! ... love the texture work too although nature itself has provided some beautiful colour here..

    thanks for popping in my way.. ciao xxx Julie

  7. I love what you did! Stunning view. :)

  8. I love the orange glow on the mountains. It's gorgeous!

  9. what a gorgeous photo! It almost doesn't look real - you are so lucky to live among true beauty. I love what you did with the photo! Happy June!

  10. Hay,

    What a lovely blog.
    It gives me inspiration.
    I follow your blog.
    Please take a look into my world.


  11. okay so you failed to mention you in a little slice of heaven lucky you


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