Monday, February 14


linda at a swap for all seasons hosts the best swaps ever. her latest swap challenge was to create a 5x7 fabric collage piece, simple & sweet, inspired by something our partners liked.
my partner was nancy from the vintage dresser . we share a common like of vintage kitchen linens and old stuff. and the colour green. (she has a couple of great tutorials posted for mini note pads and a sweet mini album made from coffee filters (!) go check it out!)
so, here's what i came up with for her:

the image of the fairy princess is courtesy of karen the graphics fairy , who keeps us supplied with wonderful images to use however we will. i printed her out in sepia (the princess, not karen) and freshened her up a bit with coloured pencils.

a couple of the background fabrics are actual old feedsacks, the rest are reproductions. the linen trim on the left edge is a precious piece from my memere's sewing stash, as well as the old buttons. am i the only one who has stashes of these things and finds it incredibly painful to actually use?? i don't know why, even my memere used to say "c'est tout simplement" which i think was her way of saying "it's all just stuff", and i always like the way everything looks when i'm done...

i gave it a bit of machine quilting and added a jar of pixie dust so she could sprinkle her 3 wishes around. it was very hard not to sew a binding on to this....but we were supposed to leave them unfinished for our partners to finish as they like. i mailed her off to nancy today, hope she likes it.

linda has set up a link here to all the finished pieces, go have a look, there are some beauties!


  1. Oh Deb how could she not love it! That is the sweetest creation I have seen in awhile. I love how you colored the picture with pencils, I have always been fascinated with old-fashioned colorized pictures.
    I can hardly wait to see what you get back in return! Have a wonderful day and stay warm.
    Tina xo

  2. hi,

    i am tracy. i am checking out everybody's fabric collages....i am also in the swap and i put my patner's collage picture/post up late last night...drop on by and take a lookie... :)

    this is adorable...i am sure your partner will love it...!! :)

    have a great day!

    tracy c. (no. 26 on Linda's linky thingy)

  3. Deb, I am Genie and I adore your green collage. It is the first green one I have seen so far and it is precious. I am going to have to check out the graphics fairy site. The way you put it together is so sweet and feminine. The stamped letters add a special little touch to it. You did a great job. :-)

  4. It's beautiful, I love how you've used all the different greens - and that little bottle of pixie dust is the magical finishing touch!

  5. This is darling! I've enjoyed being in this swap.

  6. Hi's good to meet you!
    Love your collage - the colors are beautiful and I love that you used bits and pieces of this and that. I am the same way as you ~ I find it so hard to part with those special bits of trims and fabric. Nice to know I'm not alone!
    This was such a fun swap!

  7. Hi Deb
    it is wonderful to meet you! Your blog is just beautiful and you live in a gorgeous state! :) Love seeing all the wonderful photos! I just adore your beautiful collage - what lovely colors and a darling image! :) Thank you for the sweet comments on my blog - it made my day! :)

  8. I found your blog through the Graphics Fairy and just wanted to comment and say how much I love your work. The pixie dust is such a nice touch!

  9. love love love love this! absolutely adorable! yummy color and fabric choices!


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