Wednesday, January 5

invisible me...

i guess i've kinda fallen off the blogging map...whoops.

once back in town, life kicked backed in. it's amazing how easy it is to get sucked up into the "hurry up and get all this stuff done, and oh don't forget about this and that" mode. every year i swear i won't fall into the holiday busy busy busy trap, and every year i still do. (next year i am not going to...)

now xmas is all packed up. school has started again. my daughter, who got to come home for christmas, is gone again, much too quickly. my air force son, who did not get to come home for christmas, is showing up in some pretty entertaining photos on facebook.... i'm glad to know he wasn't alone for the holidays, even if he isn't glad to know i lurk on facebook.

it's very quiet at home, time to get to work on all those things i've been very good at setting aside. we're having some pretty nasty weather which makes it even easier. now i'm off to finish the xmas cards that have turned into the new year cards...

then i'll have a clear conscience, and can get back in the blog groove.
wishing you a peaceful and warm 2011


  1. Oh, brrrrr!
    I sent New Year's cards out as well!
    Good to see you back, Deb

  2. what fun it is to catch up with you a bit dear Deb!

    your life sounds so down to earth and wonderful...I did miss you!


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