Sunday, April 11

thank you patty!!

never have i ever been so lucky as i have this winter. i have won a couple fun giveaways. at christmas my name was pulled for an incredible namaste knitting bag stuffed full of knitting wonders from our local fiber store, the rookery, and most recently, the Mad Housewife Wine cork slogan contest (more on that one in an upcoming post)...i am just one deliriously happy lucky duck.

one of my favorite blog spots to visit is magpie's nest. if you haven't found patty yet, please take a minute to go meet her. every day she posts the most wonderful photos, stories, and art pieces. her blog is almost serene, her artwork is detailed and beautiful and almost always makes me either gasp or sigh. she shares trips she takes to inspiring art exhibits, and even the local farmer's markets and parks. frequently she includes little quotes or bits of poems. she touches my heart. plus, she also has creepy doll heads. she used one as the angel on one of her christmas trees, it was awesome. i just love it.

for a person who doesn't travel much, she brings it all right to me. she even shares her tea! and at easter, she really shared, giving away precious little bird nests she made from wire & beads by having a drawing for followers/commenters. i am beyond thrilled to have had my name pulled from her big blue bowl, and just look at what came to my mailbox!

again i apologize for the poor photo, you really can't see the beautiful colouring, and i couldn't get a good close up of that precious nest, but to get this beautiful little work of art was just over the top. patty didn't stop with the nest ATC, she filled the envelope with all kinds of wonderful art papers, book pages and other usable goodies. i was touched by how kind a person i have never met could be. so, go visit, you will love her work and her beautiful photography. thank you, patty!!

while on the giveaway topic, i urge you all to click on my Mad Housewife link - they are having a mother's day poem contest right now, and let me tell you, they know how to treat a winner! i keep getting boxes of more goodies in the mail...too fun. i am waiting for the wine to get here and then will share photos, hopefully good ones, of everything.


  1. Dear Deb ~ You are SO sweet and kind! What a lovely thank you that I must thank YOU for ;)
    The little nests are such fun to make. I am so happy that you are tickled with my little pack of goodies! Being able to connect with special people like you is one of the many benefits blogland brings!!! I am delighted to get to know you better!
    Brightest of Springtime Blessings to you and yours!
    p.s. and congrats you lucky duck, maybe you should play the lottery too :)

  2. That some really awesome loot and swag you've got there, Deb!

    Thank you so much for your comments on my last post, I really do value your feedback!

    Have a wonderful week!

  3. How lucky are you? I love it when I win something! Just want to let you know I mailed out your box today and it will be there sometime next week. I hope you like everything...I sure love my goodies! Marcia

  4. Please, send some of that good luck my way. Even just a smidgy smidge. Could sure use some! And congrats on all these awesome wins! Good for you. You deserve it! I love Patty's blog, too. Yep, her artwork has me gasping and sighing and oohing and ahhing every time. I was just showing my mom that pic you posted of your amazingly beautiful and delightful home! She was as enchanted as I. Thanks for your lovely compliments on my latest collage! XOXO Serena

  5. oh, Deb-what a beautiful blog the magpie nest is! Thank you for sharing that.
    And the gnome with the scarf in the snow made me laugh out loud!!!

  6. LOL, go ahead and send me that 15 year old boy!

    Ha! This comment is going to look REALLY weird to those who haven't visited my blog, eh? ;-)



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