Monday, February 15

not just exciting, stinkin' exciting!!!

you know how sometimes you're just not in the mood to stop what you are in the middle of and cook dinner??? now that the kids are grown and i'm not working full time, this happens to me more and more. if i'm gluing, or stitching, or have my hands dye or wallpaper paste, i don't want to stop and marinade the poultry. so it's like a standing bit of humor here that when the husband walks in the door after work and asks that loathsome question "what's for dinner?" i hand him a bottle of wine and say "this is." it buys me a few more minutes at least.
a couple weeks ago i visited Mad Housewife Wine's blog and saw they were holding a cork slogan contest. this was for a slogan, seven words or less, they would use to print on their corks for their mother's day bottling. i couldn't resist, and sent in my favorite saying.

well, last night they announced the winner, and it was me!!! boy howdy when i saw MY name i think my heart stopped for a bit. i feel like i won the wine cork oscars or something!!!!

if you like a nice glass of wine, let me suggest you try mad housewife. they have four varietals, all lovely, and for every case of white zinfandel they sell they make a donation to breast cancer research. there, another good reason to have a glass with your girlfriends!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! How fun is that?!! I left feedback on Etsy, but after thinking about it, didn't know if you would see it. I just wanted to tell you that your wonderful necklace you donated to Haiti by Hand arrived in all its darling wrappings and it is beautiful!! Thank you so much!!!


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