Thursday, June 4

summer solstice is coming...

this week i've spent working on pieces for the Summer Solstice Small Art Show hosted by liz at emerald isle framing. artwork needed to measure 6x6" square, but could have dimension. i was feeling non-dimensional this week.

this is my first piece. the center of the sun is made from a pile of the fuzz ball scraps i snip off my hand dyed fabrics before i dry them (i really am i mess, i can't throw anything away and have jars of these fuzz balls lining shelves in my workroom) i added some machine quilting and some beads. it was a little jump from my usual colors and i had fun with it.

this is my second piece. i started with the collage center and the midsummer mermaid. included the tide table for june 21, added a pearl and some beach glass, and last, a photo of the old ferry the kalakala, which used to run between kodiak and bremerton washington years ago. it was abandoned here in kodiak until a salvage company came and towed her back down to bremerton several years ago with plans of turning her into a restuarant. we haven't heard anything since, but i hope they did something with her, she was a beautiful art deco ship. anyhow, i sewed that down to a piece of marbled cotton, gave it some quilting and sent it on it's way.

and this is my very first ATC i've ever done. i've had a stash of angelina fibers forever and not used it for anything other than some fairy wings for a dance recital a few years ago, so thought i'd try it out. i sure love the sheen and sparkle of the stuff. i raided my son's fly tying bench for the fuzzy stuff on the edges. the color in the photo isn't really correct, in real life the purples and olives all blend nicely together instead of shouting at each other. i hope to catch on the the photo thing soon...


  1. Just wanted to let ya know that your giveaway goodies will be sent on Wednesday! Enjoy!!

  2. What gorgeous work! I especially love the ATC - Angelina fibres are one of my fav things to work with.(And I think the colours look great!)

  3. Just beautiful! I really, really love the mermaid piece! I wish you had an Etsy shop! Maybe we could do a trade sometime when you're not busy. I love your mermaid creations. :)

  4. Wow! They are really pretty & I like the 1st one most of all, followed by the 2nd!


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