Thursday, August 30

august break ~ day 25-30

i guess i fell off the august break band wagon... our oldest son was home on leave for several days and we spent it out at our cabin. beautiful weather, wonderful family time...

so good to see these two having fun together again...
so good to watch him soak it all in...
(cullan took this underwater photo with his new lifecase on his iphone, at the waterfall)
a rare family shot (minus thea : { )
duffy was especially happy

Thursday, August 23

august break ~ day 23

today is the first day of his senior year in high school.
i simply can't believe it.

Tuesday, August 21

august break ~ day 21

i missed yesterday, because we spent the day out here

at 3 mile beach. watching the surfers. watching duffy try to swim with the surfers.
it was fabulous.

Sunday, August 19

august break ~ day 19

i'm thanking my lucky stars i remembered to post this before it was too late!

Saturday, August 18

august break ~ day 18 ~ it's all good

after so many days of nasty weather, duffy needed a good walk

and after a good swim in the bay...

a good hot bath before bed.

Friday, August 17

august break ~ day 17

we finally got a break from the fog & was lovely while it lasted~

Wednesday, August 15

august break ~ day 16

pete is entering his golden years...

Monday, August 13

august break ~ day 14

blueberries are ready

so are the salmonberries...

august break ~ day 13

foggy & wet quiet outside

Sunday, August 12

Saturday, August 11

august break ~ day 11

i love this random sewer cover on a gravel path
through the woods to one of my favorite beaches.
in the middle of nowhere it silently rusts away...
not too random, as here & there through the trees
 you can spot overgrown foundations now covered with moss~
all that remains of part of some Naval Base buildings from WWII.

(excuse the blurry edge, it was rainy & cold)

Friday, August 10

august break ~ day 10

Those who live by the sea
can hardly form a single thought
of which the sea would not be a part.
~ Hermann Broch

Tuesday, August 7

august break ~ day 8

some lucky seal or sea otter had a fresh uni feast for lunch~

Monday, August 6

august break ~ day 7

what would we do without duffy to show us the way~

Saturday, August 4

august break ~ day 1

(i'm going wordless for august break. also, most of the photos i post will be from my iphone and will be
unedited, unfiltered, untextured. that's the point of a break, right?)
click on the august break button to the right to see other participants!